⇐ To view our current monthly newsletter click the button ⇐ To view our current calendar click the button ⇐ To check us out on Facebook click the button Scheduled Events and Calendar Reminders – March 30th – April 6th Sunday 9:00 am Worship 10:45 am Sunday School 10:45 am Adult Bible Study 11:45 am 5th Sunday Potluck Monday 6:30 pm Confirmation 7:15 pm Choir Tuesday 6:00 pm Elders Wednesday 9:00 am Quilters 6:00 pm Midweek Dinner 6:45 pm Hymn Sing 7:00 pm Worship Saturday 7:30 am Men’s Bible Breakfast 9:30 am Women’s Bible Study 11:00 am Fill Easter Eggs for city Sunday 9:00 am Worship 10:45 am Sunday School 10:45 am Adult Bible Study 11:45 am Youth Meeting