Lookup a word or passage in the Bible Include this form on your page Daily Devotions Click on either the graphics or links below to go to some great spiritual resources. A Daily Devotional provided by Lutheran Hour Ministries http://www.lhm.org/dailydevotions.asp especially for the season of Advent. Daily Reflections provided by “Higher Things”. (When you get to the website, click on the current date for the full devotion.) http://higherthings.org/reflections A daily internet commentary provided by Dr. Dale Meyer,president of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. http://themeyerminute.typepad.com/meyerminute/ A popular radio voice for years, Dr. Paul Devantier provides thought-for-the-day audio messages of faith, comfort, hope, joy and expectation. http://www.bythewaytoday.com/ Related Sites The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) www.lcms.org “Free to be Faithful” is the LCMS website that provides information and resources concerning our important vocation as Christians in the secular society in which we live. Issues in particular about our Religious Freedom as Americans are available. You may access the “Free to be Faithful” website here: http://www.lcms.org/freetobefaithful Lutheran Women’s Missionary League also called “Lutheran Women in Mission”. Resources and information about and for Christian women. www.lwml.org The University Lutheran Chapel at Colorado University – This is very important ministry to the students and faculty at CU Boulder is one of our mission commitments at Mt. Calvary and one of our sister congregations in the Rocky Flats Circuit. http://www.universitylutheranchapel.com/ “Lutheran’s for Life”: http://www.lutheransforlife.org/ The Family Ministry department of the LCMS. An invaluable site full of resources (articles (over 200), ideas and links) to help families in every stage from newly wed to widowed. http://lcms.org/page.aspx?pid=567 Lutheran Hour Ministries. Great media information and resources. www.lhm.org Lutheran High School – Parker http://www.lhsparker.org/ The Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) – LCEF is a Christ-centered servant partner of the LCMS. With support from LCMS members, it provides investments, loans, and services to LCMS churches, schools, agencies, and their rostered church workers. http://www.lcef.org Concordia Publishing House. The publishing arm of the LCMS http://www.cph.org “Life Choices” Centers for Free Pregnancy tests, services and counseling:http://www.lifechoices.org